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    Really interesting challenge!

    I got stuck for a while because I didn't start one of the "for..." loops at 1 😭 (glad that I finally found out from where the problem came from...)

    note: if you're looking at my JS part, I know I could have done do something better but voilà for now I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I'll definitely try to improve with the next challenges!

    Anyway, happy coding everyone! ☀️

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone 👋

    My issue with this challenge was the following: the border-radius for the border-top on instagram card from the 1st row (or 1st section of cards). The thing is, I want the card's initial border-radius to apply to this border-top like it does for other cards. I tried some things but all failed.

    So, if someone can come with a solution/trick, I'd be glad!

    Thank you and happy coding 😃

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone!

    It's not perfect yet but I'm glad with the result and the fact that I learned so many many things with this challenge 😀

    My difficulty: The "custom tip" part

    Let's say that when a user types in their custom tip value but finally decide to click one of the suggested/default tips, I don't know how to remove this value and come back to the default text "Custom" (the calculation part is ok though). For the moment, the only solution is to click the reset button.

    Maybe it's easy to resolve this but I just can't see the solution :(

    Thank you for your help

    Happy coding 🎉

  • Submitted

    Hello hello 😊

    No special question for today even though there were some challenging points in this project. Not perfect, but still, i'm happy that i did it until the end \ (^.^)/🎉

    Feel free to give a feedback or just look at my code!

    Happy Coding everyone!

  • Submitted

    Hello~ Interesting challenge but not that so easy.

    My problems here:

    1. Handling the different curves around the sections for the desktop and mobile version. I guess there is a way to make it more efficient for the code here. Any suggestions are all welcome^^
    2. For a 375px<page width<1440px, the rendering is really strange when it comes to sections with curves. In this challenge, should we worry about the design for a width included between these 2 values or not?

    Thank you & Happy coding! 😊

  • Submitted

    Hi 👋 My problem in this challenge is that when it comes to clicking "submit", the user has to click 2 times (instead of 1) to submit the review and for the "thank you" page to pop up.

    So if someone can tell me where I went wrong or how to improve this specific part, I would be very grateful!

    edit: problem resolved thanks to @anxhelino :)

  • Submitted

    I'm sure there was a better way to write the code, and especially for the responsive and JS parts. But in the end I'm just happy that the whole thing works out quite well.

    So if you have any feedback or suggestions for those parts (or the others too of course), please do! Thanks 😊

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone,

    While completing this challenge, the main problem I faced is that for the mobile version, I didn't get the margin around the card (when I usually manage to get this margin). I couldn't figure out why... If anyone can help me with this it would be great!

    Thank you as always 😃

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone,

    Maybe I'm a bit too much in perfectionism but hey, we're here to do our best to respect the original design. So I had a hard time to find a nice solution that really looks like the original design for the paragraph (if you really pay attention, you will see the difference).

    In fact, I tried adding "margin-left/right", padding-left/right" or even adjusting the width... but nothing seems to work to look perfectly like the original 🤔 

    Any help is welcome^^ Thanks!

  • Submitted

    NFT card

    • HTML
    • CSS


    My issues with this challenge:

    • How to add some space between the top of the page and the card (i used a margin-top but i'm not satisfied with it...)
    • I had a problem finding out how to give the "icon-view" icon an opacity of 1, when hovering over the top image

    Any help is welcome, thank you ^^

    edit: thanks to @fernandolapaz my 2 issues are solved, so i had to update my 'style.css' code 😊

  • Submitted

    I tried my best to stick to the original design's different sizes (margin, padding, width...etc) because i don't have the PRO version to be able to open the files with figma/sketch to measure the exact sizes.

    Not sure about my code section for the mobile. So how this part can be improved ? Thank you for your help or tips :)