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    I got stuck on this one a while back and stepped away, but coming back with fresh eyes I found my simple solution.

    Everything came together pretty easily except that after using the submit button it would only briefly change to my thank you card and then revert back to the rating card. With fresh eyes on it I quickly realized it was the page refreshing and that is how the submit input type behaves by default. I found a simple solution from there, which was to add the autocomplete attribute to the form element.

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    More practice :) Ran into no issues getting this to come together at all. Really happy to finish one without any struggles! Would love to hear if there are any improvements anyone would suggest though.

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    This was just to be a simple project meant to get me back into the swing of things after a break because of illness. I thought it would take me longer to get my brain back into it, but this ended up coming together fairly quickly and easily. The practice from each previous challenge shows with every new challenge I do, the layout and designs are feeling easier and requiring less googling to complete. Feeling more confident each project when it comes to HTML and CSS.

    The only part that gave me any sort of issue was with the hover state on the Learn More buttons. Changing the background color was simple, but changing the text color of the anchor tags on hover stumped me for a few minutes.

    I expected to just add "color: white" into each '#section-one .btn:hover' selector where I have the different hover state backgrounds, but the white text did not trickle down to the anchor tag as I expected. I also tried adding the color to a 'btn:hover a' selector because the font color (unlike the background color) was the same for all three so I tried adding it once for all. This did not work either. In the end I had to target .'btn:hover a' for every section ID, replicating it three times in the CSS. I don't quite understand why it was necessary to do it this way yet so if anyone knows, I'd love to hear some tips.

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    With each challenge I am getting more comfortable making my layouts do what I want. I ended up scrapping my CSS and starting over halfway through, to rethink what I was doing and use grid in the bottom section. It was a much easier way than with what I started with. I'd love to hear if anyone has suggesting on how something I did might have been easier if done another way.

    Ultimately I am able to make projects do what I want in the end, but what I am really learning in these first few projects is finding the best way to do it and not creating more work for myself than necessary.

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    I am getting better with CSS, although aligning things the way I want still seems to take me some time of trial and error with the properties. I usually end up feeling like I did it the long way and that I am missing some much simpler method. For example in the H1 and P selectors of this project (snipped below). I would love some thoughts on if there are more streamlined methods than what I used here.

    Update: Took another look based on feedback and was able to simplify my code some. Thanks to those who provided feedback. I welcome any additional comments to improve :)