Hi all,
so I have to say, I am quite proud of this one. Done everything by myself. The butotns were little tricky and I had to use web (udemy course that i have bought some time a go) because i remembered I have done something similar in the past.
Mobile version was quite interesting and I would like to get help on that. On mobile I have switched from grid-template-columns to rows, but the colums are still there and I had to span them over 1 colums such as :
.sedans { grid-column: 1/-1; grid-row: 1; }
is there any better way to do it to have just 1 column ?
Thank you very much for taking your time and I see you in the next challenge ! :)
Also for anyone reading this and struggling. Take it slowly, it takes time to learn things. You have to experiment as much as possible. It took me good time to learn some tricks to center a container in the middle of the screen :D