UPDATE!! Looking for coding pal with whom we can challange eachother with FEM challenges and review each other's code, constructively criticize and improve togeather!
I’m currently learning...to code visually appealing websites, using Vanilla JS (together with HTML semantic structure and accessibile approach, CSS with a help of SASS and BEM for bigger projects).
Latest solutions
- Submitted over 3 years ago
Have 3 questions about this solution and looking for coding buddy.
#bem- HTML
- JS
Latest comments
- @jaronimas-codesSubmitted over 3 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted over 3 years ago
For some reason, after all of my previous and your suggested formatting the value of 89914 becomes 89,914 and then if I adding $1 to it, then it is rounding up to total backed of $90. I still need to look for solution of formatting that, but thanks for answer.
0 - @jaronimas-codesSubmitted over 3 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted over 3 years ago
Good evening, Mariusz,
- Was playing with number formatting and made a bug with progress bar. Now already fixed, but my statistic numbers are without commas and dots:/ For progress bar, I used simple div inside div with a change of width % according the total sum pledged divided by total sum asked.
My actual question is that when person donates money and "buys" one of the options, the amount of options (101, 64 and 0 by default) is reducing by one on modal, but cannot find solution that it would be reflected (connected) on main page (I colored that problem with pink background color on main page).
- Alright, will sit to make it happening, flex shouldn't be a big problem :)
Thank you very much for answer and hope
0 - @mikeyxxSubmitted over 3 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted over 3 years ago
Good day, Sir,
IMHO, you haven't done the JS part as it was suggested in the description of the task. You should use data.json file to fetch the data. I would say it is nice opportunity to practice async/await, promises or http requests as well as css grid to make your solution responsive.
Regards, Jaronimas
Marked as helpful1 - @DouglasVDMSubmitted over 3 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted over 3 years ago
Good day, Sir! I would say, spend extra time to make it closer to the design. Background positioning is quite easy to do and change it in media - queries. Play with width, max-width, more padding and margin would be nice too from UI perspective, that would make more white space and more space 'for design to breath' ;) overall it doesn't look bad, but I am sure you can improve that in couple of hours with a help for searching of all extra css features! Good luck!
Marked as helpful1 - @ahmedbesheerSubmitted over 3 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted over 3 years ago
Good day, Sir! You can look up some css and html naming suggestions here: https://9elements.com/bem-cheat-sheet/#card+i
Marked as helpful1 - @jaronimas-codesSubmitted about 4 years ago@jaronimas-codesPosted about 4 years ago
Yeah, I really have troubles with desktop size..