This is my first solution submitted here. It was very entertaining and it took less time then I was imagining, but I had a little bit of trouble to create the overlay with the eye icon on top of the image. I appreciate feedback on whatever you think is necessary to be improved. Do my tags on HTML need changes to be more accessible? Did I forget something that could make development and maintenance easier? What about the use of rem to resize the page on different screens, is there another better and faster ways? Anything you might think that is useful for me to know, please be free to share. Thanks, in advance.
@hiddehulshofAll comments
- @WillwfSubmitted about 3 years ago@hiddehulshofPosted about 3 years ago
Nicely done,
You should add width: 50%; to your .remaining-time and .nft-value classes this way the text will be on 1 line like in the design!
0 - P@grmbyrnSubmitted about 3 years ago
Is there anything in this project that could be improved? Finding out how to put an overlay over the image was quite difficult so I hope that looks good.
@hiddehulshofPosted about 3 years agoNicely done!, you could improve your solution by adding <main></main> element, also you could add alt text to your images to comply with accessibility guidelines,
Also the padding of the .card-container class is to much: try changing it from:
padding: 2.5rem 2rem 2.5rem 2rem; to padding: 24px;
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