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  • HaDo Dev 160



    Hello @VISHALKANNAN070!

    Your solution looks nice and almost like the design. My recommendations:

    • I think it's an issue about the font. In your style.css file you've used this statement: @import url(;); which has a bug. Try the following: @import url(';400;600&display=swap');
    • The h6 included in <div class='header'> doesn't much the design width. Try to use max-width: 50ch;(update the number to your requirement).
    • Try to achieve better spaces between the elements inside the four cards.

    Keep going!

  • @bhushu0910


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    The implementation of the CSS part was easy and was proud of it

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    styling div class and div ID was a little confusing but solved it

    HaDo Dev 160



    Hi @bhushu0910,

    Nice solution. Well done!

    My recomendations:

    • Try to acheive better the space between the elements. The <div class="right"> must have a wider padding-inline or margin-inline.
    • The image must have border-radius in the left side (desktop design).
    • I think that the main goal of the challenge is get a responsive layout. Your solution doesn't adapt for small devices.

    For responsive design, check out this ressource: 1-Line Layouts - 10 Modern CSS layout and sizing techniques that highlight just how robust and impactful a single-line of styling code can be.

    Keep going!!

  • HaDo Dev 160




    Nice solution. Recomendations:

    • Try to choose the correct color for body background and the most of the text.
    • Also try to acheive better the space between elements.

    Keep going :-)

  • HaDo Dev 160



    Hi @sunilthapa01!

    It's a nice solution. Here you have some recommendations:

    • For accesibility issues, try to use better contrast color on button hover. As a ressource you can use to check the contrast color, check out

    Keep going :-)

    Marked as helpful

  • HaDo Dev 160



    Hi @Grahamocean!

    • Nice pulse animation.
    • Try to acheive better the space between the elements.
    • Also pay attention to the font weight of the author. It's must be higher.
    • For the Learning label you might give it a better style. Here is an example:
    .label {
            display: block;
            width: 12ch;
            padding: .5rem;
            font-weight: var(--fw-bold);
            font-size: .875rem;
            text-align: center;
            background-color: var(--clr-yellow);
            border-radius: .25rem;
            padding-inline: .75rem;

    The custom properties used at :root are the following:

    --fw-bold: 800;
    --clr-yellow: hsl(47, 88%, 63%);
    • For a better accesibility, use rem unit instead of px for fonts, border-radius, padding, etc...

    Good job! Keep going :-)

  • @kednasousa


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Me orgulho de ter conseguido desenvolver o projeto, mesmo tendo esquecido as coisas que estudei há alguns anos, com muita pesquisa consegui finalizar o projeto. Iniciei o projeto em JAVASCRIPT para aparecer uma mensagem quando o QR fosse lido, mas infelizmente não consegui desenvolver por ainda ter muita dificuldade em JS. O que faria de diferente é justamente isso, aplicar JS ao projeto.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Lembrar da forma certa e qual tag usar para dividir partes do projeto para estilizar no CSS.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Tentar implementar o JAVASCRIPT. Talvez depois que o QR Code for lido, apareça uma nova página na tela avisando que foi lido ou alguma notificação pop-up.

    HaDo Dev 160



    Hi Kedna,

    Nice solution. Maybe you need to review the following:

    • The semantic HTML: for accesibility reason, change the h2 header by the h1.
    • Style: use rem instead of px for font size and border-radius.
    • Design: try to acheive the correct space between elements. For example, the .card class must have the same left, right and top padding. The h2 and the p must has an additional padding-inline of 1rem (16px).
    • Take a look to this ressources regarding to modern css reset: Modern CSS reset

    Keep going :-)
