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  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    While refactoring my markup and styles for this project, I was reading the Tailwind docs and found out that the font size utility class can take a modifier for line height. Previously I was leveraging font size and line height like so: text-sm leading-normal sm:text-lg sm:leading-normal. However with the modifier, there isn't a need for the additional utility class, which I think cleans up the code nicely: text-sm/normal sm:text-ls/normal.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I did get a little too focused on the Figma design file on this project. Specifically when it came to the border on the card. In my first iteration of the markup and styles, I used the ring utility class to create the border as the Figma file showed in "inside" border style for the card. However, I neglected to realize that because of the default box-sizing: border-box on each element provided by the reset of Tailwind, borders are inherently inside the elements. I did fix this by returning to the normal border utility class after refactoring my code.



    Good job, but there's a mistake in the word "structure" and "Foundations" — the "F" should be capitalized.

  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I've always had some sort of struggle centering HTML elements. In previous projects of mine, I usually do this (in terms of Tailwind):


    However, I've never been a fan of this approach. Through Kevin Powell's teachings (and other learning I've done), I've always wanted to use min-height, but could never really understand how to utilize this to my advantage. Since this is a simple project, I set out to figure out how to use incorporate min-height, and I did! This is how I accomplished it:

    I'm proud of this solution, as I used only 3 of Tailwind's utility classes to produce the result I wanted versus the 4-5 with inheritance I would use in other solutions.

    I was also pretty proud of using the w-min utility class within the component styling itself.

    As well, through this project I was able to re-vamp my knowledge of the Tailwind configuration settings to allow myself to override the Tailwind default color scheme with only the colors I needed to produce the QR code component.

    Realistically, I think the only thing I would do differently next time is build this with plain CSS, no Tailwind. However, I do really like using Tailwind.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Design to code is HARD. I relied heavily on the Figma file provided with this course to produce the result of the QR code component. I understand that in the real world, this is ultimately not a cause for concern, as developers will need to adhere to design constraints set by the designers. However, most of my projects are built by me and me alone, and I'm not the most confident in design in general. I need to study more design principles and also look at examples to find easy ways to be able to translate design into code. I know this will come with practice and time, but it's something I still need to recognize as a weakness to build upon.

    As well, I feel that I could've done more with the Tailwind configuration to adhere to the style guide. While I did use it to leverage the typography and color scheme, I feel it would've also been beneficial to leverage it for the spacing/sizing constraints as well, as I did end up using a lot of the arbitrary value classes within this project.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    1. Is my centering method utilizing CSS Grid and the min-height property valid?
    2. How would you approach design to code with only the images and style guide? Would you try to mock it out in a wireframe first based on the style guide? What are the best approaches you've found?



    Good job, but like me, the space between letters is still not quite right. I've tried very hard, but I can't seem to fix it.
