Wow congratulations, your solution is outstanding🎉✨👌. Very clean and also I like your workflow with Tailwind, I have made a couple of notes to improve mine. It would be interesting to know a little about your workflow to code pixel perfect👀.
Regarding animations, I also want to improve that skill. I have used Framer Motion on a couple of times for microinteractions, but just today a friend of mine recommended these links to me to understand about motion principles and then apply them with a library or CSS @keyframes.
On the other hand, about your solution I noticed that resizing the window while the mobile menu is open should allow the vertical scrollbar to be visible once it reaches desktop size. I know this isn't something the average user would do, but I ran into that problem in my last challenge and fixed it by adding a listener with Window.matchMedia() to change the styles of the body tag accordingly (let me know if you get a better solution).