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  • gsemyong 110



    Hi everyone, this is my first project! Feeling excited :)

    I'd really appreciate any feedback, but to how some starting ground will point few things:

    1. Did I follow all the best practices for HTML structuring (what I could've have done to achieve more semantically meaningful HTML)?
    2. Did I follow all the best practices regarding BEM naming?
    3. What could I improve in my CSS code?

    Thank you in advance!

    Franco A. 200



    Hey gsemyong, good job with the design! I only have one comment. In your h1 header you use a b tag to differentiate the purple insights word. According to the HTML5 specification, the b tag should be used as a LAST resort when no other tag is more appropriate. I think it would've been better if you used a span tag instead and gave it a modifier class (card__heading--purple for example) and styled it from there. Other than that you did solid!

  • Rael 270



    Does anyone know how to get the box-shadow right? I'm not satisfied with the solution I came up with regarding the bottom shadows and I also noticed that the cube also seems to have it's own shadow that spills into the original image. I tried quite a few things but didn't manage to get just like in the original design.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to manage those?

    Any advice would be much apreciated, thank you!

    Franco A. 200



    Hey Rael, good job with the design! Unfortunately, I'm not so sure with box shadows so I can't help you there. I did notice that your code has a lot of id selectors. You should use classes instead as they are better for re usability and will give you less headaches when it comes to specificity. I recommend reading this article about it here Also, you might be interested in the BEM(Block-Element-Modifier) methodology, as it's a good way to organize code a little bit better. Happy coding!
