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  • @ttanvirr


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I could do this using CSS Grid. Probably next time I will try that.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I faced a challenge covering the image height in the desktop version at all widths. Because the product container has no fixed height, I couldn't set the image container's height to 100%. Still, it remains unsolved. Maybe using CSS Grid could solve the problem.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I seek advice on the above-mentioned problem that I faced during the project.



    Nice job buddy! but i need to recommend you this website that help a lot to understand some dynamics of the coding path, specially to find out the proper use of images.

    i hope you find it useful!!

  • @fedefioretti


    Hi Juliane! I've just read your code and noticed that you don't use 'em' or 'rem' units for scaling. It will help you a lot once you start adding them. Instead of using 'px' as the main unit (like you do and I was doing all the time too), try to implement 'ems' or 'rems'. Maybe you already know this, but if you don't, here is the perfect explanation:

    Within the 'Typography' chapter, you'll find everything you need.

    P.S.: Keep your <link> elements together in your HTML!

    Nice job indeed!!

  • @ricardomjr300


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    boder hidden hr li::before

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?




    Nice work! just check the sizes maybe of your fonts, that will give you a hint of what size the document will have..

  • @R3iwan


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud that i'm developing everyday and i feel i'm getting better, even with some diffculites i'm trying to learn them and be better.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had a challenge with span and links, i realized that span is stuck with my main container, and i just wrote margin-bottome to my main, to fix this problem



    you can use <a> instead of <span> for your link buttons, much better in my opinion. And try to use "position" to fix your footer...

  • @fedefioretti


    checkout your css file, you can add the property "inline-height" to give te paragraph more space between lines! it help me a lot... nice work!! keep on coding!!!

  • @reteov


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    My primary point of pride was simply getting this made, submitted to GitLab, and then deployed to my own website subdomain.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Not really much of a challenge coding-wise, but the largest part of the challenge was setting up the CI/CD using my GitLab repository to upload via FTPS to my shared hosting provider. I had to do some learning on docker, GitLab's CI/CD system, as well as the lftp program, which is what allowed me to make the deployment automatic.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I've covered all the parts I can think of, but now it's just a matter of practice, practice, practice!



    It looks great! just a little bit small maybe, comparing with the original, but it looks really great... just one thing to ask, is necesary to achieve (or at least to try) the same result? or we can explore our taste and give it a little more color and shapes?
