I’m a Computer Engineering graduate with a passion for Front-End development. I love creating intuitive and visually appealing user experiences. Technology excites me, but I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends, reading books, and listening to music.
I’m currently learning...Web Fundamentals
Latest comments
- @leandrhoSubmitted 2 months ago
- @muraliincSubmitted 2 months ago
- @teklitgSubmitted over 1 year ago@erntTt94Posted 2 months ago
Good job on complating this challenge! Overall everything is okay, but your web isnt responsive.. there is no @media for mobile or tablet... also i noticed that the lighbox buttons arent working too.. just by clicking the thumbnails.. Keep going :]
0 - @CoolNight99Submitted 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
This was a complex project but I got the design and functionality down, I think. I would probably try to make the JavaScript code more modular but otherwise I'm happy with what I did.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The lightbox was the trickiest thing to do, but I succeeded after lots of trial and error.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?The icons which are supposed to turn orange on hover don't change for some reason. I would also like help with making the design more responsive.
@erntTt94Posted 2 months agoGood job! For the cart notifiction you can add just a simple div and just style it to look like a notifiction and position it to the cart... The lighbox -prev and -next buttons arent working for me... and buy clicking the thumbnails the second and forth are also arent working... At mobile-design your product-details-container just overflow and there are other bugs too, but overall congrats by complating this challenge.
Marked as helpful0 - @AzerJradiSubmitted 7 months ago@erntTt94Posted 2 months ago
Hello, very good job! My advice is about the semantics of the site.. better use main/section/header/footer instead of divs.. and your mobile version can be better especially with an 'burger menu' icon.. Keep coding :]
0 - @thedanielkingSubmitted 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I really proud of how i wrote the javascript code and i hope to make it shorter next time.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I couldnt change the color of the input and also couldnt change the background color of the fieldset when the input[type:"radio"] was clicked. eventually, i researched and kept on checking till i finally did it by myself.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I need help most especially with a better javascript code.
@erntTt94Posted 2 months agoHello, very good job! I checked your JS code and there is too much repetation... Instead of doing it every single time just select all of the inputs without the radio and if there is an error you can do it with nextElementSibling to show it and if there is no error just hide it... It will shorten your code.. Keep going :]
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