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  • Erlyn Ascarate• 140



    Hello, It overflows a bit horizontally between 500px and 885px (I don't know how to fix it, sorry)

    Also, it overflows vertically (when the screen is less than 740px). You could do this:

    min-height instead of height

    ----min-height: calc(100vh - 4rem);
    ----padding: 2rem;
    ----text-align: center;
    ----background: $BGGradient;
    ----display: flex;
    ----flex-direction: column;
    ----justify-content: space-between;
    ----align-items: center;
    @media(min-width: $breakpoint-mobile){
    --------min-height: calc(100vh - 6rem);
    --------padding: 3rem;
    ----/* ....*/
  • Ali Ali• 40



    Feedback welcome!

    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    • Definitely a Figma design was going to be beneficial for this project. The thing that took the most time was figuring out the styling (spacing, colours etc.)

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    • I've added JavaScript code to practice DOM manipulation and also to calculate the average score, depending on the score values inside of the data.json file. I would love to get some feedback if there are best practices that I can use and eventually make the code more efficient.
    Erlyn Ascarate• 140



    Hello, nice work on the project!

    You could also do this:

    let view = ''
    data.forEach((item) => {
    ----const div = `
    --------<div class="${item.category.toLocaleLowerCase()} summary__item ">
    ------------<div class="${item.category.toLocaleLowerCase()}__description summary__description">
    ----------------<img src="${item.icon}" alt="${item.category} icon" />
    ------------<div class="summary__scores">
    ----view += div
    summaryContent.innerHTML = view

    Instead of this:

    data.forEach((item) => {
    ----// ... (HTML generation)
    ----summaryContent.innerHTML += div

    And here's why

    In the first snippet:

    let view = ''
    data.forEach((item) => {
    ----// ... (HTML generation)
    ----view += div
    summaryContent.innerHTML = view

    The code creates an empty view string and iterates over the data array, generating the HTML content for each item and appending it to the view string using string concatenation. Finally, after the loop, the entire view string is set as the innerHTML of the summaryContent element. This means that the entire HTML content is built in memory before being added to the DOM.

    In the second snippet:

    data.forEach((item) => {
    ----// ... (HTML generation)
    ----summaryContent.innerHTML += div

    The code directly appends the generated HTML content to the summaryContent element using innerHTML. In this case, the HTML content is added to the DOM at each iteration of the loop. This approach can be less efficient because the DOM is modified multiple times, and each modification can trigger reflows and repaints.

    In general, the first approach with the view string can be more efficient because it reduces the number of DOM modifications. Building the entire HTML content in memory and then setting it once as the innerHTML of the target element is generally faster than appending individual elements one by one.

    However, if the data array is relatively small, the performance difference between the two approaches might not be significant. In such cases, you can choose the approach that you find more readable and maintainable. The first approach with the view string might be considered more organized, as it separates the HTML generation from DOM manipulation.

    Marked as helpful

  • Erlyn Ascarate• 140



    Hello @gbabohernest, I saw that the background has --light-grey: hsl(0, 0%, 86%) color but, this could be a better color for the background: --off-white: hsl(0, 0%, 94%)

    body {
    ----padding: 0;
    ----margin: 0;
    ----background: var(--off-white);
    ----font-family: var(--font);
  • Erlyn Ascarate• 140



    Default theme object can be customized:

    const theme = createTheme({
    ----typography: {
    --------fontFamily: 'Poppins, sans-serif',
    ----palette: {
    --------common: {
    ------------white: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)',
    --------primary: {
    ------------main: 'hsl(259, 100%, 65%)',
    ------------hover: 'hsl(0, 0%, 8%)',
    --------error: {
    ------------main: 'hsl(0, 100%, 67%)',
    --------background: {
    ------------default: 'hsl(0, 0%, 94%)',

    The onInvalid and onInput events have which can be used like help text.

    const validate = (event) => {
    return (