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Product preview card component using Flexbox.
PSubmitted about 2 months agoMy code is probably cluttered.
HTML , CSS. Visual Studio Code. Five Server extension installed.
PSubmitted 4 months agoI didn't see the need to use BEM for my buttons.
I'm working to write efficient code without clutter.
I attempted to make this design responsive.
PSubmitted 4 months agoAppreciate getting newbie appropriate feedback.
Try to be respectful.
Thank you.
Eric Kumasaka
Latest comments
- P@aterviliSubmitted 12 days agoP@emkumaPosted 12 days ago
The rendering is perfect!
Looks great on different screen sizes.
The code is advanced for a newbie like myself.
I am not qualified to review the code.
You should see my code. Sucks by comparison!
Good job.
0 - @damian2238Submitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
finishing it up myself
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Separate paragraphs with blank lines
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?same project as this so ill be good at it
P@emkumaPosted about 1 month agoLooks good on different viewport sizes. Desktop solution looks close to the design but I'm unsure whether to use h2 tags rather than h1 tags for the header.
I learned from your code that I didn't need to set the "box" sizes to a max-width of 375px.
Marked as helpful1 - @ryanslabroomSubmitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Feeling more confident in using CSS grid and Flex.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Adjusting the sizing of my columns and rows. I used grid-auto-rows and minmax to solve these issues.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?N/A
P@emkumaPosted about 2 months agoYour css involves the use of Grid which I have not as of yet, used in my projects.
I may not be the one to comment intelligently on grid.
This challenge wants us to code a responsive design at 375px (mobile) and 1440px (desktop). The mobile design didn't work when I changed the viewport size.
The width of the desktop design doesn't work. The crossed out price should be well within the body.
The corners of the body need to be curved.
The font type doesn't render properly. I had the exact same difficulty with my code. Hmmm...
0 - @fyplen0xSubmitted 2 months agoP@emkumaPosted 2 months ago
The text sections look good according to the solution.
You need to include the image at the top.
You may want to try different heights for either the body or the container tags.
Your CSS code looks well organized. Good readability.
Everything else looks great.
Marked as helpful1 - @makukaSubmitted 5 months agoP@emkumaPosted 4 months ago
I like how your structured your css. Good readability.
Not a bad idea to use your photo and name but the challenge requires us to use what was given for photo and name.
It looks like the font sizes for the profile description and the links are larger than the solution.
The space between the name and location isn't close to what the solution shows.
Marked as helpful0 - @nelpopuliSubmitted 4 months agoP@emkumaPosted 4 months ago
I liked the use of variables for the colors.
The code is well-structured and readable.
Your design looks wider than the solution but it is a small difference.
Your code does include semantic html.
I'll have to use variables in my own code.
Welcome to Frontend Mentor!