Latest comments
- @gely25Submitted about 1 month agoP@emawidPosted about 1 month ago
- good use of semantic html such as main, section, article etc
- good responsice layout for mobile, tablet and desktop but the photo dimension seem a bit off on mobile and smaller devices
- code could be structured in different modules for better overview, eg seperating design, layout, typography etc
0 - @TheCodeCrazeSubmitted 11 months agoP@emawidPosted about 1 month ago
- relevant use of semantic element, eg using span as a wrappper inside h1
- accessability can be improved with eg aria-labelledby
- layout looks good on mobile and desktop accoring to spec.
- code is well structured
- close to perfect match with design
0 - @YoussefJemmaneSubmitted about 2 years ago
- @clakrSubmitted about 1 year agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I tried to be as pixel-perfect as it can be, but next time I would have use
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?rem
units instead of static unit such aspx
I tried to have the "wrapper" element padding in each side but it will not work since the image for mobile breakpoint needs to be stretch side-to-side. Instead, what I did was to have each `` a
.P@emawidPosted about 2 months ago- Good use of semantic elements
- Accessibility good be improved with aria-labels on sectionining elements
- layout looks good on mobilie and desktop according to specs
- solution very close to design
- alternative solution to mobile layout could be a "full-bleed" img element that bleeds outside of the wrapper.
0 - @VeseMir2kSubmitted about 1 year agoP@emawidPosted 2 months ago
- Solution is a very strong match with the design
- Site includes good use of semantic elements
- It is accessible - a user can tab through all links
- Looks good on a range of screen sizes
- I'm not familiar with tailwind but code seems well structured
0 - @JenishkubavatSubmitted 3 months agoP@emawidPosted 2 months ago
Semantics that could be improved:
- provide width and height attributes in the image element to help browser reserve correct space
- wrap date with a <time> element and provide a datetime attribute for screen readers
Layout improvements to consider:
- width and height proportions currently differ between mobile (375px), tablet (768px) and desktop (1440px).