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  • @emarketguy27


    Good job on this one...

    I've just completed it myself and found the javascript a little tricky... (I'm very new to learning javascript)

  • @emarketguy27


    can anyone help me...? I get the same error message every solution I post regarding H1 level Heading...

    This (and others i have uploaded), has an H1 element, but the error persists...?

    Regards J

  • Riley 260



    Hey guys!

    Back at it with responsive images, this time using the <picture> element. And exploring more of Flexbox's capabilities with the goal of minimizing the number of media queries I needed.

    Had a couple of responsive design questions, thoughts/suggestions/feedback is welcome!

    • I used percentages for margin between the text elements since the spacing varies but the font sizes don't change in this challenge. row-gap (and gap in general) for Flexbox and Grid are great when the spacing is identical, but I couldn't find a way to implement different gaps without adding a bunch more elements and styling. Using percentages required an additional media query in order to match the design. Does anyone know of a better approach for this?
    • I've been using absolute (px) units for border-radius but would be more inclined to use em if I used relative units. Thoughts on em vs. percentage vs. viewport units for border-radius?




    Hi Riley, Great job - the solution is pretty spot-on.

    As to your question about implementing different gaps to minimize styling... I have been experimenting with 'clamp' settings as 'global styles' declared under .root

    I'm finding that using 'clamp' for font-sizes and image sizes allows for a nice responsive scaling of the relevant elements without the need to add extra font size / image size styling in media queries.

    Best regards.

  • @emarketguy27


    Hi Elvis, just want to add a few words of encouragement. 3 months into learning front end dev and already producing results.

    I'm the same, around 3 months or so (i'm also 55 years old) and pivoting my work/life balance to include developing the knowledge and skills to become a dev. One thing you will realise is that most devs are more than willing to help.

    Keep up the great work..

    Marked as helpful
