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  • Submitted

    I have to admit this is the hardest one I've done till now! I thought learning to code was gonna be a walk in the park because I have always been the 'A' student in my class and I tend to boast about my brain power and how smart I am XD... now I know how far off I was! but I love programming and enjoy the challenge it gives my brain since I get very bored and self-destructive when I'm not doing something very challenging for my brain or body. I simply love coding. It's one of the best troubles I've gotten myself into! about this challenge, please give me any feedback. it'd be very appreciated.

  • Submitted

    This one gave me a good beating. Hope to hear your feedback.Thanks in advance.

  • Submitted

    I know there are many errors but being honest I was more focused on the responsiveness and the design than anything else. There are many html issues because I know I have to add some type of text to the anchor tag but I decied to use anchor tag for my icons and not add any text. anyways I always look forward to reading your feedback guys and thanks in advanced.

  • Submitted

    there are some errors like the little white space at the top left and right of the card top bg. but that was on purpose and the bright box-shadow too. But besides that I hope to here your feedback.

  • Submitted

    html, css, bootstrap

    • HTML
    • CSS


    This was a hard one for me. very hard I have to admit.

  • Submitted

    css, html

    • HTML
    • CSS


  • Submitted

    css, html

    • HTML
    • CSS
