I want to know why my hover effects on svg .sociallink doesn't work (fill property)? Any feedback is needed.
Daniel Pineda
@dpineda64All comments
- @luckosrSubmitted over 4 years ago@dpineda64Posted over 4 years ago
Hello have you tried to target the svg path instead
.sociallink:hover path {}
0 - @camsmySubmitted over 4 years ago
I'm still having a hard time making a footer. The mobile view of my footer is not like the original design.
@dpineda64Posted over 4 years agoHi camsmy you can try align the elements of the footer to "start" and removing the left padding of the ul
.footer-flex { align-self: start; }
and.footer-flex > ul { padding-left: 0;}
1 - @Wiss69Submitted over 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
For my first challenge, I make this social media dashboard with theme switcher using Webpack, SASS and JS. Please let me feedback on the structure in my code. I'm always looking for improvment in my code as I'm still learning front-end dev !
Thank you
@dpineda64Posted over 4 years agoHi, Wissem good job, only some comments... seems like your js code doesn't need the jquery, I would suggest extracting your code from the "app" var and removing the dependency, so your bundle does not become heavier with unnecessary deps. And with the webpack config its a good idea to have a "common" config file where your entry points, rules and plugins necessary to build your app reside, and separate file(s) where you extend your common config for dev or prod, that way you can maintain a SSOT and avoid problems when deploying to prod because you forgot to added X alias/entry to the config
0 - @DalejanSubmitted over 4 years ago
Hey folks, i would like to recive any comments and improvements opinions about this one!
If you think there is anything that could be better let me know!
@dpineda64Posted over 4 years agoGood job Alejandro just a comment on UrlShorter.js#L36 you could use Array.some() it's basically the same as what you are doing but that way you don't create a new array and maybe use a simple if on L40 so you don't re-write the localStorage if it's not needed.