Made with:
- HTML 🦴
- CSS 🎨
- JS 🤖
- used jQuery library 📘
- mobile-first workflow 📲📲
if you notice anything or have suggestions, you know what to do 👇👇
Made with:
if you notice anything or have suggestions, you know what to do 👇👇
Hey! I like your solution very much, but when you press on the image and go to the slider you can't exit from there.
Finishing the challenge
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Keep the comments coming
Hello and great solution! I have a few suggestions that might improve your code and if you want you can check my solution to see what I am talking about.
Great job, it looks great! One thing I would suggest doing different on this is instead of putting so many star images in the html you could do it like I did it with before pseudo class.
In this project I learned a lot about grid layout. It seems like it's an easier layout to adjust than flexbox, but it's limited. I didn't have many difficulties applying responsiveness.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I found few difficulties applying grid layout. But next time I will use other grid layout resources so I don't need to use media queries.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Suggestions on how to simplify the grid layout.
Very good solution. I didn't think of this. Much more simple than doing it with grid-column or grid-row.
Hi there, solid design overall! But maybe it would be improved if you make your hero section and footer break out of your container on desktop size. Have a nice evening!
Your hero image is too big on desktop. Give it a max-width of 100%.
Check for the issues you have with your HTML and accesibility. Other than that it looks great. Keep up the good work!
any Feedback on this challenge will be helpful