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All comments

  • @chanchala-amar



    Congragulations on completing this challenge. Making the page responsive is easily done with the help of media queries. We normally use a mobile first approach - that is, style the page so that it looks good on a mobile screen and then we add media queries to alter the page layout for big screens. You can read up more about media queries here

    1. [Mozilla guide] (

    2. [w3 schools] (

    Hope this helps, best wishes for the future projects!

    Marked as helpful

  • @chanchala-amar



    Congratulations on completing this challenge. Animating the numbers to count up to the result was a nice touch! Your css, js and html files were very easy to read, I have one suggestion regarding your html -

    Use semantic html instead of divs ( these are needed for screen readers to read the page.

    Hope you find this helpful!

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    I'm not sure what the best approach is to using flexbox. I feel I have to apply it to multiple components. Is this the correct approach?




    Yes, items within a flexbox can also be flex containers themselves - nesting of flex containers is a common practice.

    Semantic hmtl is now preferred to using divs in a page inorder to make it more accessible to screen readers, please take a look at this - Semantic HTML

    Your code was very easy to read, keep up the clean coding practice. Best wishes for the future submissions

  • @sila254


    Faced some difficulty in spacing the icons, icon name, and result using justify content element on my css.




    Congragulations on completing this challenge. Here are some things that I could think of looking at your code

    1. Use semantic html instead of divs ( and use alt in image tag to describe images - these two are needed for screen readers to read the page.
    2. Self explanatory naming CSS classes like .results-box{} and summary-box in place of fbox{} and lbox{}
    3. A small tweak in your code will solve the spacing of icon, icon name and score issue. So, instead of
    <div class="box-three">
              <div class="icon">
                <img src="./assets/images/icon-verbal.svg" alt="">
              <div class="name">Verbal</div>
              <div class="num"><span class="bold">
                61 </span>/ 100</div>

    try this,

    <div class="box-three">
              <div class="icon">
                <img src="./assets/images/icon-verbal.svg" alt="verbal">
                <span class="label"> Verbal </span>
              <div class="num"><span class="bold">
                61 </span>/ 100

    Good work -I liked your solution, best wishes for the next challenges!

    Marked as helpful
