With many years of problem-solving experience as a Telco Technician, I'm now upskilling as a Full-stack Developer to push my passion for problem-solving further. My current role is a Fibre Technician in the Australian Telecommunications sector where I am Installing,splicing,commissioning and termina
I’m currently learning...React & Ruby
Latest comments
- @Nicolas-Rodriguez-ChSubmitted over 4 years ago@anlpkPosted over 4 years ago
Hi Nicolas,
There are several problems, *Firstly, you should not use that many br tags, (All this br tags breaking your code.) Secondly, when you start style your css follow the same flow with html and write some comment on the top such as, / Header Font Style / or / Footer Flex Box */ After for a while it is so hard to read the code and also you will spend so much time to fix it. And always start with mobile approach first and then move to different screen size it will make your life much easier.
0 - @anlpkSubmitted over 4 years ago