Overlay SVG was difficult for me. I couldn't find which code to use
Alessandra Casole
@alessandra-casoleAll comments
- @RheomacrodexSubmitted about 2 years ago@alessandra-casolePosted about 2 years ago
Hello, yeah it was the hardest part for me too but I found this guide very useful https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_image_overlay_opacity
I can't see your code, so check mine if it helps
0 - @polukarpSubmitted about 2 years ago
I couldn't align Ethereum and Clock logos horizontally. Could you please give me an advice on how to do it? Thanks.
@alessandra-casolePosted about 2 years agoHi, I also used ":: before" and I solved the problem of the icons' alignment by making the sentences flex, which however I had inserted inside a p class (not span). So by changing the span to a p, you could remove the position properties and you can just give a class to both, so the alignment applies to both and then flex that class. Ex:
<div class="card__row"> <p class="card-icons" id="card__price">0.041 ETH</p> <p class="card-icons" id="card__date">3 days left</p> </div>.card-icons { display: flex; }
#card__price::before { content: .....; margin-right: .....; }
#card__date::before { content: .....; margin-right: .....; }
I hope you find it helpful!