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  • Submitted

    Hi , i think i have some responsive issues here please kindly check if you can and give me a quick feedback .

    This project is completely done with sass,HTML and JS

    #SASS #SCSS #js

  • Submitted

    Notification main page responsive on all devices ! I use tailwind and Sass and javascript !

  • Submitted

    Very tricky to design but i did it . Infact we learn mostly by doing the difficult things.

    Can i get your opinion on this please ?

  • Submitted

    This is a responsive landing page made with HTML and CSS only ! Please you can visit my live site and tell me what ever i can modify.

    I am open to critics . Follow Me on Github Please 🤝

  • Submitted

    Hi, This is a simple 3 column preview component using grid . this was a pretty easy challenge . I use the grid repeat function to repeat the boxes 3 times

  • Submitted

    Hi Guys,

    This is a responsive order summary component . i made it responsive for large devices and devices with lower width of 475px Please may you check the live site i am open to positive and negative comment that may help me progress

  • Submitted

    Hi, Another project completed another deploy . i am so happy i am learning every day ! Thanks this site exist. Just leave a like and you can add any positive or negative criticism that may help. Thansk

  • Submitted


    Dont knwo why but doing the responsive part was really dificult for me and i found out that i need to work more on my responsive skills

  • Submitted

    Hey guys,

    I am icode_11 i am a real beginner in frontend development and i wish to complete all the challengges on this website in 2 months time . This is my first and by far sure my easiest project.Lets take this to another level