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  • @WhaleWellWell


    Hi Luis! Here is a tip for you:

    • Make sure all your images have an alt and that it is descriptive. For example, I might put 'alt="QR code to"'.

    • Instead of using the role="main" attribute, consider using the <main> tag instead or removing the role. it might confuse the screen reader.

    Hope this helps, WhaleWellWell

    Marked as helpful

  • @treytallent


    One issue is that my full-screen navigation is center aligned on Safari but it works on live servers and Chrome



    Hi! Here are some tips you might find useful:

    • Make sure that all <section> tags have an <h2> - <h6> on them. if they do not, try substituting in a different tag like <main> or something else.

    • Just check if your background is correct. It looks slightly whiter than the design.

    Hope this helps, WhaleWellWell

  • @WhaleWellWell


    Hi! I have a tip for you:

    • Make sure all images have a alt attribute. This helps screen readers and should be an explanation of you image. For example, I might do:
    <img **alt="QR Code to"** class="qr-image" src="/images/image-qr-code.png">

    This explains what the image is there for.

    Hope this helped, WhaleWellWell

  • @WhaleWellWell


    Hi! Overall great project and code, but here is some advice I think you will find helpful:

    • I see that there is a div with a class of main: <div class="main">. To make this site better for screen readers you could add the role of main to your div or wrap your div in a <main> tag.
      <div class="main">


    <div role="main" class="main">

    It is suggested you use the <main> tag but either one will work. MDN docs explain it better than me :)

    • I see you have an <h4> in your order component for your smaller heading. I recommend you just use an <h2> instead because the heading tags are mainly for your site's outline and semantic order and not the for the style. If you want your text to look about the size of an <h4> that is fine, you can make it look like that in your CSS. If you want took look farther into this here is a the MDN docs on the heading tags. It has the explanation under "Usage Notes"

    Hope you find my advice useful, WhaleWellWell

    Marked as helpful
