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  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    This challenge was useful for getting more confidence with grid placement, other than that, it was pretty straightforward, in every challenge i try to make a dark theme but in this case i'm not happy with the resoult, if you have any thought about it please fell free to comment!


  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    This challenge was interesting for working with full screen images, mobile one was easier, with desktop i've found some difficulties while working, but i think is fine now, if you have any feedback or correction is well accepted!

    Another thing, for a coherent color scheme in dark mode i've basically copied the original svg and made another with needed colors, there is a better solution for achieve this?


  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    In this challenge i tried using BEM methodology and i think it was a bit overkill for my workflow, but maybe i've approached it in a wrong way, or maybe like SCSS is just too advanced for simple project like this. But SCSS i'm still using it, BEM i don't know if i will use again in future challenges. Did i do something wrong with my BEM implementation? A feedback on this question it's appreciated!


  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    This challenge was pretty straight forward, in fact i choose it for doing practice with SCSS! And this time i felt much more confident using it. Obviously is a very basic usage but i found it interesting anyway, the next step i want to take is implementing BEM approach for classes!

    By the way, if you have any suggestion related on SCSS and BEM or also any correction on my SCSS is welcome.


  • Submitted

    Hi there!

    In this challenge i tried to use SCSS to understand how it work, the page seems to work at the end, but i'm not sure if i used SCSS correctly, i mean, other than dividing the css in multiple folders (abstract, base and layout in my case), nesting some classes in scss way and use mixin instead of media is the same as a normal css file, maybe i'm skipping something or maybe scss helps more on complex pages?

    A feedback on this topic will be really appreciated! Cheers!

  • Submitted

    Hi there! I accepted the bonus challenge trying to do all without js, i covered most of the interactions needed, the only thing i cannot achieve is box movement on click. With js is pretty straight foward but css i have no idea how to do, by the way, if you have any feedback to improve or correct my layout is well accepted!


  • Submitted

    Hi there! In this challenge i really wanted to do the card placement using only grid layout and it was easier than i thought! I also added a dark theme, it works by only css. The switch is made with has(), if you want to understand how it works this is the source where i saw this.

    Kevin Powell on youtube video.

    By the way, if you have any feedback to improve or correct my work is well accepted! Cheers!

  • Submitted

    Hi! as i say in the title, i tried to use both media queries and calc() property to cover a better range of resolutions, but i'm not totally fine with the result i got, any suggestion in that context is appreciated! Or also if there are some best practices that i'm not considering right now.

  • Submitted

    Hi! this challenge made me think about how to cover the various device, so i found this website [HERE] ( and i took the smallest resolution for mobile, tablet and desktop has my target, is this a good approach for cover all the various devices? I mean, for instance, if i try to resize manually the page with the browser inspector tool there are some situation where the image looks bad, mostly when the difference between width and height is small, but maybe i device like that not even exist, so i don't know if i have to fix it or not. Every interesting feedback is appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Another fun challenge! In this one i tried to add something by handling the click on the image, it's works, but i'm not really fine with the result, so if someone have any suggestion for making that animation better is well accepted! Moreover in this challenge there is like a shadow effect behing the card, i tried to replicate it, but looks a bit weird to me, so also there a feedback would be important to me!

  • Submitted

    Hi! First of all, thanks for your time! This is my first project here and i enjoyed making it! For html and js i had not much problem, i think they're fine, css is my major problem, in this specific case i think is also fine, but i always have the feeling that my creations are ugly, maybe functional, but ugly. So, just feel free to give me any critics or suggestions if you want to, are all well accepted. Lastly, if i said something wrong, please forgive me, i'm still working to improve my english skills other than programming ones. Thanks again and have a nice day!