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  • @ypradafah28


    still unsure with best practice css and javascript. i try to add json in project and some DOM. please be kind to give me feedback. thankyou



    • Gradient Radience!

    Pro tip: You can replicate the background gradient in the final score panel using a CSS gradient :)

    .my-awesome-gradient {
    /* The first parameter indicates the directionality of the gradient, measured in degrees (as in angles).
    * Here, we use 180˚ to make our gradient point straight down. <from this colour> will be at the top,
    * <to this different one> will be at the bottom. */
    background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, <from this colour>, <to this different one>)

    In this specific example, you can use the following CSS rule for the background: background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, hsla(256deg, 72%, 46%, 1), hsla(241deg, 72%, 46%, 0))

    • Did you know that you can use CSS variables to make reused values easier to read?
    body {
    /* Always prefix your CSS variables with two hyphens 👌 */
    --my-cool-colour: hsla(241, 72%, 46%, 0);
    /* Variables can store many properties; I recommend you visit the MDN web docs to find out
    * just what they are capable of */
    --my-cool-font-size: 5000000px; /* My users will have no problem reading this! */
    #part-of-the-body {
    /* The variable --my-cool-colour has been inherited from the body, and can now be reused across all elements! */
    /* Make sure to use the var() function to access variables */
    background-color: var(--my-cool-colour)

    This feature is particularly helpful when porting over colours and sizes from the file, as it means that you don't need to constantly reference it.

    • Style guidance!

    As has already been stated by another helpful commenter, also make sure to use the; it has a variety of helpful information about the design we're trying to reconstruct.

    Good luck! :)
