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- @z3sbSubmitted over 2 years ago@SemandrPosted over 2 years ago
Some hover effect for buttons may be very useful. End fix issues of course...
Marked as helpful0 - @IvuskaSubmitted almost 3 years ago@SemandrPosted almost 3 years ago
Sorry for mi English, first of all... What I see....
- No classes for all tags
- .json for this simple project?
- What about fonts??
- Where is the mobile version? I'm newbie too, but... why upload unfinished challenge?
0 - @LekanjoySubmitted almost 3 years ago@SemandrPosted almost 3 years ago
Hello! To avoid this problem, you need to use "input" tag, like this: <input type="radio"> <input> elements of type radio are generally used in radio groups—collections of radio buttons describing a set of related options.
Only one radio button in a given group can be selected at the same time. Radio buttons are typically rendered as small circles, which are filled or highlighted when selected.
Marked as helpful1 - @AlifkmSubmitted almost 3 years ago@SemandrPosted almost 3 years ago
Perhaps adding a smooth transition on hover with the mouse would be nice... Many html elements are missing classes. As for the JavaScript code, the same task can be solved in many ways, the main thing is what works :)
Marked as helpful1 - @derrick-itSubmitted over 3 years ago@SemandrPosted over 3 years ago
Hi. Try to read this about BEM:
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