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All comments

  • shalash23 280



    I think the main question was how to edit the SVG icons depending on screen size using a media query. I solved it with JavaScript but definitely there is a better way

  • Toni 420



    I'd like to know if there's a way to have a transition apply to the arrows on the dropdown menus both when they go up and down (only have it when they go up). Also I couldn't really find a solution to having the background darkened when opening the menu on mobile. Any feedback on that and anything else would be much appreciated!

  • @kriShnanshu-saini


    I am unsure with my CSS work. If someone has suggestion do let me know so that I can improve more and be careful for next time.



    Hi, Anshul. Fist off congratulations on completing the project!

    I've gone through your project and a few pointers I would like to give you are:

    • Instead of using a fixed width in the .container class maybe try using max-width so as to make the card more responsive.
    • Instead of media="(min-width: 1440px)" change the break point to around media="(min-width: 640px)" so that the card adjusts itself only to smaller screens.
    • Also consider changing the font size, padding and margins so as to fit better into smaller screens.

    That is all from me. Thanks and happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Saga-sanga


    Hi Siddesh, congratulations on completing the challenge! 🚀

    Just a few points I've noted in your design:

    • Adjust the line-height of your h1 element so as to reflect the given design better.
    • Use some other tag than <article> for your image section so as to be more semantically correct.
    • The card takes up more than the view height on mobile view. You can fix this by adjusting the padding, font-size and margin of your text content.
    • Maybe utilize a mobile first design strategy next time.

    That's all I have to offer. I hope it helps. Thank you!

    Marked as helpful
