Raj Kumar Singh
@Rajsinghh2907All comments
- @DesthubtechSubmitted about 1 month ago
- @zardrickSubmitted 20 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
This project helped reinforce my understanding of Flexbox for layout structuring. I also improved my knowledge of CSS properties like box-shadow. I’m fairly confident in the overall implementation, but I’d appreciate feedback on best practices for responsiveness, particularly if there are more efficient ways to handle spacing and font scaling across different screen sizes.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Image Placement & Sizing. Challenge: The illustration image wasn’t aligning correctly inside the card. Solution: I Used background-size: cover; background-position: center; to properly position the image while maintaining aspect ratio.
@Rajsinghh2907Posted 19 days agoYour solution demonstrates a solid structure with semantic HTML, but improving accessibility with proper ARIA attributes and alt text for images would enhance usability. Additionally, ensure the layout remains fully responsive across different screen sizes for a better user experience.
0 - @doganayurgupluogluSubmitted 20 days ago