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  • Andres Hernandez• 130



    Hello!! congratulations for completing the challenge despite the difficulties :D

    I bring you some recommendations that I am sure will help you!

    Use semantic tags for your HTML structure, I mean get you out of the habit of using div for everything... semantic tags are these that give you better search rankings and that kind of thing aside that is a good way to organize your code.

    • Some of them are: <header>, <main>, <footer>, <abbr>, <section>, <article>... and many more that will help you in the process to maintain a better order in your code and get used to good practices.

    There are some things you can improve on your challenge! Apply a better way to center your letter, such as applying it to the main container: display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh;

    After there you can continue and gradually improve the code of each section of your challenge, it will be completely centered in the middle.

    Use measurements like rem or em, as these provide a better way to give relative sizes and are based on the browser font which is normally 16px, so 1rem or 1em = 16px. Try to use percentages only when you see it as very necessary and warranted, for example if a parent container has 10rem and has a child element and you assign that child element to have a width of 100%, it will have a width of 10rem, it is an example so that you have an idea of ​​when you can apply it.

    I hope these recommendations will help you to improve little by little! Good luck and don't give up! :D

    Marked as helpful

  • Andres Hernandez• 130



    Vas bien!! Sube la imagen al repositorio de GitHub y la lograrás cargar en la página, solo sube la imagen sola al repositorio y cambia la ruta a la siguiente:

    <img class="imagen1" src="image-qr-code.png" alt="Codigo QR">


    Marked as helpful

  • Andres Hernandez• 130



    Hello! congrats on completing the challenge :D

    I would recommend setting your main container a height of 100vh so that you can completely center your letters in the middle, also use semantic tags since they provide better accessibility and give SEO positioning, although it is not being applied here at all, it is better that you do it custom!

    • <main>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, <abbr>, etc.

    Good luck with your next challenges :D

    Marked as helpful

  • Andres Hernandez• 130



    Saludos, al parecer tuviste una confusion al estructurar tu archivo HTML, ya que tiene como nombre "index3.html" y tienes otro archivo llamado "index.html" por lo tanto, el navegador siempre irá directamente al archivo con el nombre "index.html" cosa que en este no te conviene.

    Te recomiendo trabajar siempre en el mismo archivo que te proporciona el reto, simplemente aparta el contenido fuera de todo y comentalo mientras estructuras tu html, luego posiciona cada texto en su lugar y podrás trabajar mas comod@.

    Y la ruta de la imagen, especifícala con "../" al principio.

    Arregla ese inconveniente para que tu reto se vea correctamente y puedas continuar, mucha suerte y sigue esforzandote! :D

    Marked as helpful

  • ypradafah28• 20



    still unsure with best practice css and javascript. i try to add json in project and some DOM. please be kind to give me feedback. thankyou

    Andres Hernandez• 130



    Greetings, I hope you are well friend! I would recommend you let yourself be carried away by the style guide that comes in the project folder there you are provided:

    • Color palette
    • Google Fonts link
    • Font size On the other hand, you also have the "Design" folder where you have a clear guide on how the design should be adjusted.

    And you should not worry, little by little you will improve and learn the best practices of CSS and JS friend!

    Recommendation: Work in separate files :D it will make your life easier and you will be able to work in a more orderly way, so you can move between files and directories in the best possible way and use semantic tags for your HTML structure:

    • <main>, <footer>, etc..