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  • acorriaz 10



    Feedback welcome

    English isn't my first language, so I might not be super fluent. But I will try to explain as best as I can

    • I wanted to ask if I should always include width and height in <img> element but if I write width and height how to do that without changing image ratio
    • How to name class I'm reading that BEM is a good way. Does it have an alternative that I should know?
    • And last question, should I always use CSS Reset for reduce browser inconsistencies?



    Nice job! -You can use width OR height on img tags, that way you won't change the ratio, don't use them both. But simply you can always set in resets for the image to have width: 100% and display: block. And yes you should use resets. -About the naming of classes there is no specific rule, just make sure they are descriptive so you don't wonder around looking for what is it set for.
