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  • @Pedro1p0


    Your code its semantic organized, you nailed the HTML, but in the CSS you had some problems with colors, font-family, font weigh and also dimensions, the margins are not like the original, so you its nice have more atention to this details, they are very important when we speak about the frontend, it need to be beatifull as the desing porpose to us.

  • @rbhgaston


    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I wanted to expand the list items (links) to fill the available width space. So i used width: 100% but it does not work: in fact the content itself takes the space but the rest of box model like the padding and margin become outside the parent element which is in this case the card element. Is there another method to to make the items take the space without having to use padding manually like I have done here ( to make the website more responsive). Thanks for your help



    I was unable to acess your site and repository, so i dont know, how you made the page to speak about it, but to create a space between the items you could use margin-top: 10px; in the <a> </a> tag, creating a space between the items, in the second link the text ocupied more than he should and breaked the line, probabily because of the padding that you added, try again using the margin as i said, and give a feedback, but the desing its very similar to the original, congrats !

  • @Faisalbaig1998


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I made it without taking the code from ChatGPT but took help from it.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The challenge I encountered was the responsiveness of the page. I'm not an expert at it, but I watched videos and used various CSS features.



    Hello Faisal, i am starting in HTML, CSS and JS as well, and i would like do share some things that i learned, the first one its about the HTML semantic, its not wrong use div for all blocks elements, but we can give a semantic mean, using article, h1, p, main, figure ... in other to make our site more understandble for searchers algoritms, in my screen your webpage its fit well, but some problems with the original desing similarity, like, you do not used the correct font-family and the box-shadow its not compatible with the original, the publish date its also in font-weight: bold and its not like appear in the original desing, its little things that we need to pay atention as frontend developers, have a nice day and lets contining learning.

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Andy 140



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Kept it simple with basic HTML and CSS. I'd probably try using viewport units next time for better responsiveness if I did this again.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I didn't quite figure out the text break on the third line. Mine is 4 words long, the example is only three. I also had a really hard time figuring out GitHub. I've never worked with it before. Hopefully it displays correctly.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Could I have simplified the code any further? Is there anything redundant or otherwise unnecessarily declared that could have saved me time and the overall amount of code?



    Doing this project again while thinking in viewport units is very interesting. I don't have much experience to say with 100% certainty, but I believe the problem with the third line is related to the font size and the space available in the box. I don't think you made anything redundant; I liked how you created variables for the colors. That makes things a lot easier in terms of code maintenance.

    Marked as helpful
