Mohammed Ayoub Nedjima
@Mohammed-NedjimaAll solutions
- Submitted 4 months ago
article preview card component using Html, Css, and JavaScript
- JS
I want help with how to implement the share pop-over that appears on the top of the share button on large screens. I faced a problem with how I apply different styles of different media queries and JavaScript interaction to them. and If anyone can help me with refactoring the code and make it more readable I will be grateful.
- Submitted 4 months ago
FAQ accordion using JavaScript
- JS
I need some help with refactoring the code and making it more readable and clean. I am not used yet to JavaScript and I feel that I am writing spaghetti code.
- Submitted 5 months ago
Html and CSS recipe page
I need help with how to make the spacing between the ul and ol marker and the li itself bigger. After I did some research I find a way using after and a counter but I didn't find it convenient. can you tell me how did you overcome this problem
- Submitted 5 months ago
blog preview card
-An explanation of the figure element and when to use it. I read some articles about it but I still don't understand it. -How to name CSS classes? should I use hyphen (-) or underscores(__) and what is the convention -Should I use more utility classes (flex-group or grid-flow) instead of inserting my styles directly on classes leading to repetition?