I have set a break point in your code and noticed what is the problem. As you are iterating with for in loop through the nodeList it also access the properites of NodeList prototype and brakes on NodeList.entries property.
Instead of for in loop use .forEach method.
Looks really good. Some padding/margins are slighlty off, but overall it's good.
I have few tips for you:
You have to be carefull when using em's for the font-size property, on bigger projects that can become a pain in the ass. You usually would want to use rem's instead.
You could try to use more em's on paddings and margins, especially for buttons. This means that if you ever want to change the font-size of the element, you will kip the proportions.
wave background image is broken for higher resolution widths. The pattern of the wave looks like it should look good if you repeat it on x-axis with "repeat-x"
I'm still new to using flexbox and media queries and I'm not sure if I have done it correctly, so please do let me know if I have made any rookie mistakes.
It was not very difficult, but I'm sure there are some things I missed or could have done better, so I would really appreciate any feedback and suggestions to improve the code in anyway.
And it seems that the screenshot taken has a few issues with the border and alignment of the card component but when I open the site URL, everything looks fine, can someone let me know why this is happening?
My suggestion for future is that you should look up responsive web design. Basically you should avoid setting fixed-absolute dimensions and instead use relative units like: rem, em , percentages, vw, vh and such. This will mean that your site will be able to adapt to different resolution devices.
Hey man. You should look up how to make responsive pages, as right now it will only work on specific desktop resolutions.
About the javaScript, you have written a lot of redundant code. As you can see all the ifs have the same code inside and only the percantage values change.
Think about a way to put the percentage value into a variable, which will make the code much shorter and simplier.
Hello this is my second challenge on here, I would appreciate any feedback, advice, or comments, thank you. I do have one question, how do I make my columns resize at the same rate? When I expand the page, some of the columns become longer than the other.
To make the columns resize at the smae rate set align-items property to stretch. You will also have to delete the height 100% rule from the children as this blocks the stretching.
Have you ever tried the Checkbox Hack? I did and I found it very ingenious. Do you know an alternative way to obtain the same result with CSS only? Let me know, if you'd like to. However, next time I'll try to replicate the challenge also with Javascript, it'll be fun!