Hey everyone! 👋🙂 I'm submitting my second project since starting out on this platform.
While I believe I managed to make it look decently similar to the original I'm not 100% satisfied with the end result.
I have a couple of questions I'd really appreciate you helping me out with:
The project is "responsive", if by that you mean it looks as it is supposed to on a 1440 * 900 desktop, 768 * 1024 tablet and 375 * 667 mobile device. But if I try to dynamically adjust the viewport it just looks awful. Have I misunderstood the assignment? Should I make it look good at ANY device's width and height?
Since I couldn't come up with anything else to properly place the 'Pod' logo and those dot patterns where they should be, I had to resort to absolute positioning. Same for the 'Request access' button inside the email form. Was there a better way to position those elements without using absolute positioning?
Due to previous feedback I've gotten from the community on my first project I decided to add HTML semantic elements to make the page somewhat more accessible. Can you find any major mistakes on my code regarding that aspect?
BONUS QUESTION: I wanted to keep this to three questions only but this one is just bugging me so much. When developing the mobile layout, specifically, when trying to add the mobile image as a background, I came across this weird behavior from CSS who consistently ignored the image's relative path. I tried like a million things but in the end I just had to give up and place a copy of the mobile image on the 'css' folder and only then it worked. Why would that happen? Did I mess something up with my files or is it like a CSS bug?
That will be all. Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to leave a comment and hope to be back with another project really really soon. Happy coding! 🥳🎉