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  • @KrishangSharma


    Hello there! What I'd like to point is, you didn't make the project as expected.. You were supposed to work with the API and not hard code the quotes.. And as you said, "It's about the concept", in this case, the concept is not the same either.. Working with APIs, and Conditionally rendering with if statements are two different things. I'd suggest you to remake this, and make use of the API..

    Marked as helpful

  • @KrishangSharma


    Hello!! to solve the problem of implementing the score on the thank you page, you can declare a variable say 'rating' using let and keep it empty initially.. And when you click on the rating btn, you can get their values and the update the sentence on the thank you card using String Interpolation. I hope you get what I'm saying.. For more help, you can check my repo..

  • @KrishangSharma


    Hello there! There a few things I'd like to point out by looking at your code, 1). You're doing things in kind of a messy way. What I mean is, there is an easier way to do what is asked. Rather than targeting each rating number individually, I'd recommend giving them all a common class name and then using 'document.querySelectorAll' and then loop over the buttons for retrieving the number. The loop itself is a bit tough just because you chose to add an array in between, while actually it was not needed at all.

    2). For the Thank you part, I'd rather add it in the HTML itself and then hide it using CSS, and then upon clicking the submit btn, I'd toggle the classes between the two cards, this way you won't need to code the HTML in your JS file. For the places where you need the value from JS, you can leave them empty, then target them in your JS file, and then populate them with 'innerHTML'

    If it all seems a bit complex, you can have a look at my solution :)

    Hope this helps!

    Marked as helpful

  • @KrishangSharma


    I'd recommend making the container auto-height. Because if the text exceeds a certain limit, it overlaps the divider thing at the bottom.. Rest looks fine! For example: When you look at "Advice #66" it's a long phrase, and overlaps the divider at the bottom and looks bad. So you might want to fix that.

    Marked as helpful

  • Ganesh 280



    the challange is great. give me feedback please.

    1. how did I get data-* (data-number) in Dom
    2. is creating the small project like that on single html file is good or bad for site
    3. color issues like img bg color or botton bg color else I think everything is fine



    Colors look fine, but the size are not the same as the design preview.. Also, when I selected a number to rate, it selected all of the previous elements, so you might wanna change that along with the final rating component(The 'You selected _ out of 5' element), it's a bit misaligned, rest looks good! Great job!!
