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    I haven't figured out the best way to make transitions to make the user experience more pleasant, what do you guys figure? If I were to use a framework it would be overkill and unecessarily slow down the website. View Transitions API is not stable yet, so probably will not that any time soon. If I coded my own solution in vanilla JavaScript I think it would be overwhelming to take into account accessibility stuff (navigable history between pages, and respond to it when keyboard shortcuts are used, like <alt><left> to go backward or <alt><right> to go forward) and overall make a well-rounded solution. Please help...

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    For some reason I could not get the desktop product picture to show up. The problem seems to have something to do with the file directory. Specifically, on the srcset attribute of the <source>, if I delete the first slash, suddenly the picture shows up. This problem only occurs on the live website, but not when I preview it on my local machine. Why is this and can I fix this?

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    Why does my card always seem to be bigger than the one from the design guide? What size does you guys use?