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HTML and CSS QR Code Component
Submitted 7 months agoI feel like it's not completely correct since the QR code image doesn't occupy the percentage that can be seen in the preview image. Any comments on how to fix that would help me a lot to continue progressing.
Latest comments
- @jen067Submitted 7 months ago
- @marcelogitfrancaSubmitted 7 months agoWhat specific areas of your project would you like help with?
Obrigado por tudo aceitando todos os feedback possível
- @camilo-cloudSubmitted 7 months ago
- @mars2ksSubmitted 7 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
o site ficou com um pouco de responsividade, queria colocar um pouco de js mas ainda não domino tanto, com tudo fiz o basico de html e css para deixar com um desing bonito
@Jhonatanjacome07Posted 7 months agoVery good idea and the applied styles are very understandable. They helped me complete the challenge