@mdsalahuddin2001Submitted almost 3 years ago
I am eagerly waiting for your valuable feedbacks and suggestins
I am eagerly waiting for your valuable feedbacks and suggestins
That's an amazing solution! Really! What I would add is to add some settings to the background image in <header> by adding background size: cover, and changing background-position to bottom center. In this case it will not go to the left size of the screen on the big desktop screens. And keep eye on the h1, h2, h3, h4 tags... You have to have only one <h1>, and the following should increase one by one. In you code you used <h2> and <h4> without <h3>. One more thing: add the following to the <a> links: rel="noopener" target="_blank" and aria-label="some text explaining what will happen if you click this link">