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    I started by following along Kevin Powell's course on this project, I just used it as a general guide for creating the design elements in a separate html file (all the buttons and such) at the start, after that I tried putting the site together by doing all the html/css/js myself.

    I felt the css gets really bogged down in a lot of media queries and gets kinda tiresome to keep track of. Maybe I should just get in the habit of commenting sections more?

    I also find it pretty difficult to really get the pages to be 100% faithful to the previews. Not sure how important it is that every gap is the right amount etc.

    Anyway I did all the pages for mobile/pad/desktop and I'm pretty happy with the result, but if anyone wants to take a look and offer some general thoughts that would be nice of you. Thanks

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    Any tips on how to try and cut down on how much I have to repeat my css? I tried not doing it too much but I still feel there's quite a bit of repeating stuff in there. Thanks

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    Should I just give the img, h1 & p elements a class each instead of going through .card h1 etc? Since in this challenge I could've done either that or just used h1, img, p selectors by themselves.

    In short, is there a preferred way to do it?