I have problem when use display grid :column card1 lost and I have to use margin for it I need solution for it
I have problem when use display grid :column card1 lost and I have to use margin for it I need solution for it
Sometimes you need start simple so just start simple see if that not working and then move further and please clear any one concept css grid or flexbox and use any one to make project in which u feel confident watch on youtube how to make responsive flex box card take reference from there . hope this one is helpfull for you . I myself , I'm a slow learner so if i can do it u can also too . So keep slow but improve the quality of your knowledge that you have and then move forward .
Take one step at a time :)
Hey, I'd be happy to hear what I did wrong in my design, especially about the media query part, I don't know how to improve it, it's messed up a bit. Thank you
I am not an expert but i have recently finished this challenge while. coding for frontend make sure to code the solution close to the given challenge as possible 1)padding 2) giving height to your div 3) regarding media query just understand whats the meaning of min-width and max-width after that there is a online media query breakpoint generator which are very cool and very helpful . From that website you can surely learn about media query
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Not adapting to different sizes of the window and mobile version. What are the best techniques for making it more adaptable to different sizes? Eg use (r)em or % when deciding sizes instead of px?
Any other position settings that should be modified?
•For media query break point it is preferable to use px •For font-size it more convenient to use rem but in some case if the rem is giving more change then u need than use px; •For padding and margin use px ; •for width use%
Also there is media query break point generator online you can refer to that if you feel any confusion regarding media query however I would never suggest to use that Generator as will not grow your knowledge about media query it jzt for reference
[UPDATE: view link updated]
Let me know if you have any recommendations or improvements to make on this first upload
why dont you try all over again. If this project runs perfectly fine in your computer start the git staff all over again and regarding to deploy project use vercel or netlify it'll be more easy
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