I would appreciate if someone could look over my JavaScript code.
It's the first time I've done a project involving more than a few lines of JavaScript. I'd like to know if I could have written the logic for Inputs as a group rather then as individual Inputs.
The page is fine, no matter how you have written the code, while it works it is perfect, with practice you will improve your code.
-I recommend that you add the event to the entire Document, and from there fire the events, thus avoiding having many 'addEventListener', if you look closely, you have 10 'addEventListener', and my code only has 1 'addEventListener' and my code is considerably shorter, you can check my profile.
I loved this challenge, I tested pseudo classes to achieve what I wanted in order to write less code. I know I can improve my choices and the way I write my code, please if you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it!!!!!!!! (seriously)
Thanks in advance for taking the time to see my solution and for leaving tips
The page is quite good, I recommend you to change all the styles with CSS, for example, instead of using the <strong> tag for the font shape, you can add a class to the <p> and modify it with 'font-weight : bold' and 'color: black'.
-And to the paragraph of each one you can add a 'width: vh' and adjust it with Media query as the screen gets smaller, this is so that the letters do not move for each pixel that the screen shrinks.