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    What I found the most challenging and rewarding was learning how to use netlify functions to host my fetch logic, although I would love feedback to see if there are things I could do better.

    For the react part I feel like I much prefer Sveltes ease of building components with everything contained in one file. I do find react quite difficult to understand the lifecycle and so on, but I assume it is like that with everything. HTML and CSS I did not focus too much on, but I tried using semantic HTML for the most part, and Tailwind for the CSS preprocessing.

    Please feel free to comment on what ever you feel I could do better, I do know that the solution is not optimal in terms of look a like to the screenshots, but I am happy enough with it as a V1. Next I want to see how SolidJS compares to React.

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    My first proper challenge while continuing to learn Svelte and Tailwind CSS. I have tried using some best practises, but I'm still new and learning and every improvement would be good! My focus for this task was not making it look 100% like the picture, but making it work as per the specifications, while also looking as close to the thing as possible.

    If you have any thoughts on how I could improve, please leave a comment! I would love feedback.

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    Trying to learn Tailwind CSS, this was my first time using Tailwind so I would love some feedback on how I could use it even better. Also I guess my sematic HTML could have been a lot better, but was not something that I had a major focus on in this one, still would love suggestions on where I could have used better semantic HTML as well.

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    Advice Generator App

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    My first attempt at using Svelte for a project. Figured I'd pair it with SCSS and TypeScript for a better experience, although there wasn't a whole lot of JS stuff involved. Would love some pointers in where I could improve! One thing I learned was that you need to add a netlify.toml file, which is cool to learn!

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    For this project I tried using as much semantic HTML as possible. I found it difficult that there was alot of different parts to the task. I also employed a CSS preprocessing framework to work with SCSS, and found this to be very enjoyable. Any feedback on my solution?

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    I tried doing this "vanilla" to see how much work needs to be done, in contrast as to how much I take for granted stuff that is done "magically" in React. The reason for TypeScript was just for the added challenge and me wanting to use TS as baseline. Seing I don't usually use vanilla just doing this was quite difficult, and I do not really know how my solution meets the "best practises". Any suggestions to what I could do better?

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    I tried using variables in a good way by extracting things such as border-radius, colors, etc. to reduce repetition. I also used the <picture> tag to avoid having to load images that are not supposed to be loaded, i.e. if mobile we only load mobile image and so on. I also tried using rem, em in a good way, but I am still struggling to figure out when to use which. I guess em for margins and rem for fonts?