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  • IgnatiusVisnuโ€ข 70



    I find difficulties on controlling the left and the right gap of the QR code image and the white space. That resulted in me not being able to make a more similar looking website compared to the design, as I feel that aforementioned gaps in the design are smaller than the one I made. Instead of minimizing those gaps, I used paddings to push the image lower, to match the left and right gaps which I couldn't control. Feedbacks are very appreciated on how to solve it

    F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    First of all, you did a great job! I looked at your code and found why it was difficult for you to control the spacing.

    You used % for nearly everything. I prefer using rem instead. It gives you better control and for smaller devices you can use media queries. You can give the card a max-width so that the card can not get bigger at some point but can always get smaller. Let the content inside of the card decide how big your card gets. When you use px, em or rem for the padding it will be much easier to control.

    I hope this helps. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Very clean! I only found one point to improve.

    • Implement the seperator as shown in the design.

    Keep it going!

    Marked as helpful

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • You can make the card much wider.
    • Use bigger padding to let the content breath.
    • I would recommend using landmarks like <main>, <content> or <header>.

    Keep it going!

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • The qr-image should have a small border radius.
    • You can use more padding to let the content breath.
    • Regarding your code I have to say that the landmark main should wrap your whole modal and the heading should be wrapped in an h1-tag.

    Keep it going!

    Marked as helpful

  • Mygoโ€ข 10



    I tried to make it looking as close to the design sample as possible. Its actually very easy to make up the QR code card by using bootstrap card class. But I felt that I have too much classes for trying to place it in the center of the screen as well as trying to put a frame behind it. Hope you can share your solution to this one๏ผTHANKS!

    F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • You should use a bigger border radius on the card as on the image.
    • The card of the design has not border and a slight shadow effect.

    I can not look at your code because you linked the wrong repo.

    Keep it going!

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • You should not use such a hard shadow in this case.
    • The text should be centered.
    • You can use a bigger border radius on the card element.

    Keep it going!

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • You don't need to comment every end-tag. I make empty lines or commented lines before i start new sections or elements.
    • Your img needs an alt text to show if the image can't be shown.
    • It works with only one or two media queries as-well. Set a fixed max width in rem or px and a fixed margin left and right. On smaller devices I would recommend to shrink down the text a bit.

    Keep it going!

    Marked as helpful

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some points for improvement.

    • You can use more padding to let the content breath.
    • Make sure you are using the right font weights. The button text is too thin.

    Keep it going!

    Marked as helpful

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! I like tailwindcss and used it myself for this challange. Here are some points for improvement.

    • You can add a bigger padding to let the content breath.
    • Apply a slight opacity on the text color of the summary numbers. They are too black right now.
    • Give the button the right dark gray blue background color.

    Keep it going!

    Marked as helpful

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great job! Here are some points for improvement.

    • Use landmarks like <main>, <content> or <header>.
    • Make sure you are using the right border radius and box shadows.

    Keep that work going! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    Marked as helpful

  • F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work! Here are some improvements.

    • You can adjust the line-height on your heading and text, so that is gets more readable.
    • Use landmarks to mark where your content is. Landmarks are tags like <main>, <content> or <footer>. They basically tell the user where which section is located.

    Keep doing!

    Marked as helpful

  • Hirwa Jrโ€ข 140



    Hi everyone its been long without submitting but am back. so here I managed to do the design of the challenge but I would like to ask for help on: 1.How to do the hover on the image to design the box-shadows that look exactly the same as the ones in the challenge.

    thanks have a productive day.

    F4Bz3โ€ข 200



    Great work!

    The hover effect on the image was a tricky one, but here is how I made it. I basically made a position relative container, which contains the image and the button. The button is position absolute and contains the view icon. The ::before element on the button creates the color effect. The z-index makes sure that the icon is above the color overlay so that the icon is fully white.

    Here is the code:

    <div class="main-image-box">
        alt="Equilibrium Image"
      <button class="main-image-overlay-button">
        <svg width="48" height="48" xmlns="">
          <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
            <path d="M0 0h48v48H0z" />
              d="M24 9C14 9 5.46 15.22 2 24c3.46 8.78 12 15 22 15 10.01 0 18.54-6.22 22-15-3.46-8.78-11.99-15-22-15Zm0 25c-5.52 0-10-4.48-10-10s4.48-10 10-10 10 4.48 10 10-4.48 10-10 10Zm0-16c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6 6-2.69 6-6-2.69-6-6-6Z"
    .main-image-box {
    	position: relative;
    	height: min-content;
    	border-radius: 0.5rem;
    	overflow: hidden;
    .main-image-overlay-button {
    	cursor: pointer;
    	display: none;
    	position: absolute;
    	background-color: transparent;
    	border: none;
    	justify-content: center;
    	align-items: center;
    	top: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	bottom: 0;
    	right: 0;
    .main-image-overlay-button  svg {
    	z-index: 11;
    .main-image-overlay-button::before {
    	content: "";
    	position: absolute;
    	display: block;
    	background-color: hsl(178, 100%, 50%);
    	z-index: 10;
    	opacity: 0.4;
    	top: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	bottom: 0;
    	right: 0;
    .main-image-box:hover  .main-image-overlay-button {
    	display: flex;
    .main-image {
    	display: block;
    	width: 100%;

    Keep doing!
