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    Hey developers👋

    I learned a lot from this project, I mainly used it to practice responsive design with tailwind I feel like I wrote too much tailwind maybe I there's room to remove unnecessary classes, I also practiced mapping arrays to react elements , hoisting state to parent elements.

    I had a problem with very poor performance on the first load, I was able to optimize the project by compressing the hero image, now it loads significantly faster.

  • Submitted

    Hey developers 👋

    This project was a good opportunity to practice retrieving and using data, I could have gone a couple different routes to make the api calls but I decided to get a little bit more practice with Jquery.

    I traced over the header image and animated it in an attempt to make the overall design feel more alive, sadly I couldn't get it working, I converted the animation to a .'gif' but that caused an ugly loss in quality, so I decided to just scrap it for the static image. the animation if anyone is curious

  • Submitted

    Hey developers 👋

    I used this challenge as an opportunity to learn SASS, and this was my first time developing the mobile layout first.

    I'm not used to organizing multiple sass files so unfortunately the sass is pretty chaotic at the moment if someone could give me pointers on sass file organization that would be awesome, but any feedback is appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello developers!

    This project was really fun, I decided to use it as an opportunity to learn Jquery. I added in the optional bonus content (tap the logo).

    I'm always unsure about my naming conventions for classes and identifiers, and I would love to hear about any improvements I can make on accessibility, but any feedback is appreciated!

  • Submitted

    I wanted to do one full project with just the fundamentals of web development. I exclusively used flexbox for responsiveness and layout.

    I had a difficult time positioning the background SVG, but I believe I got it.

    The javascript could definitely be better and simplified, and if I did this again I would attempt to complete it with significantly fewer lines of code but in the end, I did learn a lot about managing a small project and overall got good practice with CSS and layouts.