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  • Dun 290



    Good job completing this challenge, The QR code image isn't loading because the route you provided isn't correct.

    The "src" in your img tag should be changed to this: <img src='./images/image-qr-code.png' />

    This is because starting your image url with a "./ " is referring to the current folder, since the index.html and the "images" folder are in the same directory you just need the one "./".

    Edited to correct "/" to "./"

    Marked as helpful

  • @davinceey


    It was a straight-forward one. Only had some minor issues.

    Question: How would I be able to implement that triangular focus on the section for social media apps, as seen in the design?

    Also, someone please check my JS code. I tried to implement an event listener to the body so that it removes the social media div that toggles on when I click the share button but for some reasons I don't know, it seems not to be working😆.

    On the whole, it was a straight one.

    Dun 290



    Hey, great job completing this challenge. I'm going to try to answer your questions but let me know if you need further explanation.

    "How would I be able to implement that triangular focus"

    I recommend you take a look at the pseudo-elements "before" and "after", they're a really good way to stylize your page without adding extra html. Read more here

    Here's how you would utilize the "after" pseudo-element to achieve the triangle.

    .social__media:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        display: block;
        width: 0;
        z-index: 1;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: #607a78 transparent;
        border-width: 20px 20px 0;
        bottom: -20px;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -20px;

    Now, as for your javascript, the event listener you implemented actually works as you intended, your problems seems to be with how you styled the class "active", so funny enough your javascript problem is a CSS problem in disguise.

    When you click share, you add the class "active" to the element you want to hide, I would actually just change that class name to "not-active" and in the css do

     display: none;

    Marked as helpful

  • Rico 370



    hi it's my first project. Any feedback or any kind of improvements that I can make will be very much appreciated.

    Dun 290



    This comment was deleted

  • Jose Gomez 100



    I found the animation part of it or the faded 'aurora' of circles on the winning player difficult. It's all bare, no framework. I did steal the bootstrap columns and container system but everything else is straight up Vanilla JS. I do wish I can come back to rewrite the logic in a more pragmatic approach versus just being linear.

    Any tips on how to reconsider this as far as JS I'm all ears. Thank you!

    Dun 290



    Hey great job completing this challenge, I took a look at the javascript and I have some suggestions.

    Currently in your game logic you have a series of "and or" statements to decide if the player and the computer had the same selection. The same functionality can be achieved with a Strict equality operator.

    if(selection === computerSelection) {document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = 'Draw';}

    Secondly , You're making the computer run extra code it doesn't have to run to fix this you can re-order your game logic.

    What your code is doing

    1. run all the code to check if player lost
    2. if not , check if its a draw
    3. if none of that , player won

    efficient version

    1. check if its a draw (if so stop code immediately)
    2. check if player lost (if not player won)

    Here's how I would restructure your code.

    if(selection === computerSelection) {
     document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = 'Draw';
    return; // will stop the game logic immediately so no extra code is ran.
    if(selection == 'Paper' && computerSelection == 'Scissors' || selection == 
     "Scissors" && 
    computerSelection == 'Rock' || selection == 'Rock' && computerSelection == 
    document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = 'You Lose';
     document.getElementById('wins').innerHTML = wins;
    return; // player lost so stop the game logic
    //if the code didn't hit any return statements the player won
    document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = 'You Win';
    document.querySelector('#selected .userSelection').classList.add('win');
    document.getElementById('wins').innerHTML = wins;

    Hopefully this makes sense if you have any questions let me know!

  • Dun 290



    Great job completing this challenge, I have just a couple suggestions to improve.

    Typescript: After testing I realized its possible to get negative points when you lose with a score of '0'. You can fix this issue quite easy by adding an if statement right before you subtract a point.

    if (this.score != 0) { this.score -= 1; }

    Accessibility: Your buttons don't have an accessible name, screen readers announce it as "button", making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. You can add an accessible name to a button by adding an aria-label.

    Example: <button aria-label="scissors"> </button>

    Marked as helpful

  • Dun 290



    Great job completing this challenge, I noticed a few things that can be improved

    HTML structure:

    You did a good job with semantic html by having key landmarks (header,main,footer), but you placed them inside a div, for best practice and to be sure your webpage is accessible you should place landmark elements directly in the <body>.

    You could restructure your html by moving the container div like so :

    Semantic html (accessibility) : Your 'register' button is actually a div, I suggest using a <button> instead for several reasons but most importantly it makes the web page accessible to screen readers, most the time when you have something the user can click its a good idea to use the built in button element.

    CSS: I noticed you used display 'flex', now you can set 'align-items: center' which will put all the elements along the center of the screen.

    I highly recommend taking a look at this guide for flex:

    Marked as helpful

  • Dun 290



    Hey good job completing this challenge, it looks great.

    I highly recommend using a <form> element for this , considering you're asking for a user input and then providing a 'submit' button, that's exactly what forms are for, so its a great opportunity to make your code even more semantic.

    The rating buttons would be an excellent time to use "radio buttons", not only are radio buttons semantic as-well, but they work in conjunction with the html form. If you're unfamiliar with radio buttons, they basically allow the user to only choose one option out of many. (perfect for this solution because the user can only choose 1-5).

    And finally for the submit button, you can add aria-label="submit rating". The aria label lets screen readers know what a button does which makes the page more accessible.

    example: <button aria-label="submit rating"> submit </button>

    Marked as helpful

  • yashgo30 40



    I loved this one because I got it in the first attempt and I was very happy. Still I don't know if everything is perfect in the coding part.

    I have used position relative to move things slightly from their places. And I have used CSS grid to create ratings section and testimonial section.

    Dun 290



    Congratulations on completing this challenge. This solution is so well made its difficult to give advice on how to improve, but I did notice the responsiveness to larger screens could use a little work.

    Its not uncommon for users to browse the web with a 4k monitor (3840 x 2160). The elements are a little small with 1080p but really shrink at 4k resolution. This can also help with accessibility considering the text will be harder to read on bigger screens if the elements don't scale up accordingly.

    Marked as helpful

  • kanarian 80



    It was fun trying out Tailwind!

    IMO this was quite an easy one, but I really liked doing the 'mobile design first' approach: First trying to design the mobile layout and afterwards the desktop layout. The Tailwind media queries made this so nice to do! It was interesting to see the use of the orders in flex.

    Only concerns I have with tailwind is that all looks a bit cluttered and there seems to be a lot of code duplication, which is also mentioned in the docs as not being necessarily something bad? Dont know how I feel about that

    Getting the 'shaded' circles behind the correct answer, was really difficult for me: Playing around with the z-indices was quite a hassle. In the end, I managed to get it done by changing the z-index of both buttons based on whomever is the winner. I'm really wondering if there are easier ways of adding these circles.

    Another challenge was trying to get everything to look good on the iPhone XR, I am using custom divs as the connector bars. These all have an absolute position, which worked OK on desktop, but apparently for safari, the parent needs to be a relative element, which took some time for me to figure out, but now it works!

    Dun 290



    Hey, good job completing this challenge. I would recommend having the possible play choices be <buttons>, the button element is semantic html and lets screen readers know this element can be clicked.

    For the 'shaded' circles I recommend looking into box-shadows, you can actually put as many as you want around an element and they're fully customizable similar to borders you can have them wrap around the entire element to get the same effect you have here.


    Marked as helpful
