- Learned about flex box and customizing layouts in it.
- Faced difficulties in understanding of flex box concept as a first time learner.
- Learned more with the game called FLEXBOX FROGGY
-Any suggestions on making my code better.
The element sizes espicially the author image i struggled to size it to be the same as the the figma design file.
-Any suggestions on making my code better.
You can increase the padding at the bottom of your design to make the spacing similar to the original design.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?clmap函数,伪类的使用,行内元素垂直居中
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?实战 figama文件
Youre project perfectly aligns with with figma file, goodwork!
Great job on the code! It looks clean and functions well. One suggestion, consider adding border-radius to the QR code image so that it has rounded corners. This small tweak can enhance the overall aesthetics and match the rounded container style. Keep up the good work!