Latest comments
- P@Igorsimic1988Submitted 6 months ago@Danil-ShevchenkoPosted 6 months ago
You have done amazing job. For my opinion, you can try to clean up input after dismissing success message.
0 - @Anusree-P28Submitted 6 months ago
- @maina-yusufSubmitted 6 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud of completing this very challenging project. I am proud of being able to follow the details and requirement of the project.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I did not know how to work with grid display so I had to learn how it works and how it's used.
@Danil-ShevchenkoPosted 6 months agoI recommend to download fonts to your project and then connect it using @font-face. Congratulations, your solution almost looks like task. Great job)
0 - @odevlucassSubmitted 6 months ago@Danil-ShevchenkoPosted 6 months ago
Looks almost the same as the design, congratulations!
0 - @zololadeSubmitted 6 months ago
- P@EfthymiosKSubmitted 6 months ago@Danil-ShevchenkoPosted 6 months ago
Hi! As I can see you have a few differences between task an your solution:
- <div class="preparation-container"> need border radius;
- All your lists need some space between every li.