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  • @JerryIrawan14


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?





    Hey, great job! Consider changing the width of the grid-container to width: min(95%, 70rem). Also, try changing grid-template-columns: 20rem 20rem to grid-auto-columns: 1fr. Reason is because, if you enter responsive design mode on your browser and shrink it down, there's a certain width where it doesn't switch to mobile layout, but it stops shrinking--it just gets cut off. I think changing those two properties will help solve the problem. Also maybe adjust your media query breakpoint to like 768px or something that it breaks sooner!

  • @Adebukol


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I had done this challenege before, now i know better on semantic html




    Nice job! I would enter responsive design mode in your browser though, because it starts doing some crazy things as you shrink the page.

  • TonyOgie 10



    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Understanding how to get the exact design when using media queries. And thought process for a solution. And live hosting using github




    Hey, looks great! I would check the mobile layout though, using responsive design mode in your browser (or just resizing browser), because the mobile layout is all messed up! I wouldn't use a percentage for the width of your image, because it gets stretched/squeezed in a weird looking way as you resize the browser. Instead, think of the card as a flex container containing two items: img on one half, and content on the second half. In desktop, it's flex-row, in mobile, it's flex-col. So, the image should only take up 50% of the card, and the card should only get resized at a specific point. I think in this case, do avoid the weird stretching/shrinking, I would have two fixed widths for the cards (see Figma designs, if you have pro, otherwise just estimate), and then use a media query to switch between the widths/flex-direction.

    Marked as helpful

  • Shine 60



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • use nesting css.
    • as soon as simple style.



    Nice job!! I am especially impressed with your CSS. I totally forgot you could nest CSS like that! Also great job using more responsive units like rem and em. I still struggle with using those over px!


    • Check padding (card needs more padding around the edges, table rows need more padding, instruction steps need more padding between each other)
    • Card needs to be wider, it feels a bit skinny
    • Overall, because the lack of padding and it being too skinny, it feels a little cluttered, and therefore a little less elegant and professional compared to the design

    Very minor

    • if you wanted to be more semantic, you could use <section></section> tags instead of <div></div> to distinguish between your different "sections" (preparation, ingredients, instructions, nutrition).
  • P



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud to have managed to come up with such a similar replica with so little experience!

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    My biggest challenge was knowing how to identify which tags to use and how to set up the link structure in HTML. I chose to use a list, it worked even though I didn't know if it was correct to do it that way.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would like help with the a tags, I would like an opinion on whether this is correct or if there is a simpler way to do it. thanks!




    Amazing job, Josiane! That looks amazing. I have a few comments (since I am encouraged to give feedback :) )

    1. To better match the design, your profile picture should be a bit larger. I think it's supposed to be 58px x 58px or something like that. When doing the side-by-side, you can tell it's definitely smaller!
    2. On the hover state of your links, the text color is supposed to change to black. It's really hard to read the white text against the green background!
    3. I think your solution of using an unordered list totally works, but it would be easier and more semantic if you used a <nav> tag and then nested <a> tags for your links. For example:
        <a href="/" alt="link to ____ site">Website</a>
        <a href="/" alt="same thing">Another Website</a>

    It is common convention to use <a> (link) tags for anything that takes you somewhere else (i.e., to another website). It also makes styling easier, you just have to set text-decoration: none to get rid of the underline!

    1. Finally, regarding accessibility, when you tab through the social links, you should use the focus pseudo-selector to style it and make it clearer which link you are currently on. For example:
    .social-link:focus {
       background-color: // whatever color

    Marked as helpful

  • markbien 20



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud of being able to apply my learnings with Flexbox, responsive page for mobile view, and just a bit of transition.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had a bit of trouble making the page responsive for mobile view to cater mobile users so I researched and found that by using width: min(350px, 90%);, the page appears correctly.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    None that I can think of since this is a simple project.




    Nice job! My only feedback would be that it doesn't quite match the design. The card needs more of a border radius, and the gap between elements needs to be increased. Also, I'm not sure if you used the font, because it looks a little different?

    Overall, excellent implementation! Just some smaller styling details that could be improved!

  • P



    Hey, did you complete the project? I was going to leave feedback, but all I see for you solution is some text.
