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All comments

  • @LucianoOliveira1


    EN: Feel free to leave any feedback about the solution or the code! Thank you very much in advance!

    PT: Sinta-se à vontade para deixar qualquer feedback sobre a solução ou sobre o código! Desde já, muito obrigado!

    Vincent 70



    Hello Luciano! Excellent job coding this design.

    Looking at your code I just notice that you are repeating code in the media queries, for summary and your-result classes, and it is not necessary, mediaqueries allow you to keep your current styles and you can just overwrite or add the ones that you need.

            display: flex;
            align-items: center;
            flex-direction: column;
            box-shadow: 11px 16px 20px -12px #00000026;
            border-radius: 15px;
    @media (min-width: 768px)
    main .summary {
                display: flex;
                align-items: center;
                flex-direction: column;
                box-shadow: 11px 16px 20px -12px #00000026;
                border-radius: 15px;
                margin: unset;
                padding: 0 10px;
                width: 300px;
    //you can just in the mediaquerie add the styles you need 
    @media (min-width: 768px) main .summary {
                margin: unset;
                padding: 0 10px;
                width: 300px;

    Also In the main element you added a flex-direction: row, you can skip this step since row is the default value for flex-direction, you can just set display=flex and it will be automatically be set it to row.

            display: flex;
         /*   flex-direction: row;  */ this one can be skiped since is the default.
            width: 600px;
            margin: unset;
            padding: 10px;

    All of this is in order to reduce code, because less code is easier to read and maintain overtime.

    I hope you can find this useful and happy learning :)

    Marked as helpful

  • frankuxur 170



    I would like to know what's your preferred way of making your webpage compatible in small-screen devices. I usually change the layout using Flexbox, and then adjust the margins, paddings and font-size ('rem' and 'pixels') in the media query. I have noticed people use the '%' unit, which I find a bit confusing, but what is your approach?

    Vincent 70



    Hi! Great solution to the challenge, and really good hover effect on the continue button!

    About the responsiveness to small-screen devices, I have learned that is good idea to reduce the overall font-size directly on the html element and since I am using rems as unit that will reduce the different sizes on the different elements like paddings and margins and wherever I have rems, so if I have for example 2 rems in a margin will be equal to 32px but in a media query that reduce font-zise to a 70% on the html that 2rems will be 22.4px

    //the default font-size is 16px, that is equivalent to 100%
    //if we want to reduce it to 70% will be 11.2px
    html {
    @media only screen and (max-width: 800px)
      html {
        font-size: 70%;
    .container {
      margin: 2rem;
    //the 2 rems will be 32px
    // when the mediaquery takes effect the margin will reduce its size to 22.4px following the global font-size.

    after that I use flexbox or grid to change the layout, I always think about which one will be more efficient and generate less code, because less code is eaier to read and easier to mantain.

    As a relative unit the '%' unit is used to define sizes relative to a parent element, can be used along viewport, em or rem units or other relative units, I usually prefer to use rems but sometimes if I a have a div with a difined widht or height or both, '%' can be useful to define it's child element's sizes and those ones will adapt if the parent element change it's size.

    .container {
      height: 15rem;
    .container img {  
      width: 50% 
    } //The img inside the container will have a width of 7.5rem.

    using relatives units when you need to write media queries will be easier since all elements are now adapting a bit to the changes on the screen.

    Happy coding :)

  • Vincent 70



    Hi! Really good dessing, after look at your code just notice that you are using display: flex, and then flex-direction: row, and is not necessary since row is the default value, so you can just use display:flex without specify the flex-direction if you need to display as row.

    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;

    is the same as:


    congratulation on completing the code, happy coding :)

    Marked as helpful
