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All comments

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    Hi dear you can use Material UI for slider check out this links :

    • For Example :
    • For API Docs : Feel free to play around with that that's super easy to use !!! Good Luck
  • Asha 1,210



    Thanks for checking out my project! Edit: I finally got the remaining projects to update in both the modal and main page instead of one or the other by lifting the state and changing the data before passing it down. I can see this potentially being a bad way if one's data is large... Learn better ways to do this.

    I really spent a lot of effort into getting the functionality right. Refreshing my redux knowledge was easy, I think just having more experience with using JavaScript allows a lot of things to come pretty naturally. I would say my main thing with this project is making components more leaner because they're a bit crowded. Edit: looks like screenshot doesn't have my progress bar styles. How to fix? Yikes.... Accessibility and html issues. Is color contrast new?



    hi dear ! Nice work but i see some issues :

    • stock of products doesn't update on "Back this project" modals
    • the Enter pledges field should be hidden until you click on a product pledge

    Nice transition on the hamburger menu !

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    hi dear tks very nice but i dont see any problem !

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    hi dear very cool project ! just check your strength level there is some bugs i think if you have some issues maybe i can help you tks !

  • @fee-sah-yor


    i just completed this challenge and it was fun because i used css-grid. any feedbacks and reviews will be appreciated



    nice dear just some layout issues on mobile view !

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    good work dear ! very nice !

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    Hi dear good job ! just hide arrow inside input field. Also at the person input field dont forget verification if the user put "0".

  • Hikmah 1,070



    This is my first MERN stack project. It took me some time gathering sneakers images and finding their names, designing, and figuring things out. This is currently the project I've spent the longest with. I'll add more features and probably redesign in the future, other than that, if you have any feedback, feel free to give it. Thank you!



    Cool dear very nice just hide arrow in input field

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    hi dear , i didn't realize this project yet but i think on the data object it is a proprety border look closely !

  • @Babacar-Ciss


    Beautifull dear ! Beautifull !!!

    just one advice if you can remove dots arounds circles i think i ll be nicer !

  • @yacineKahlerras


    any feedback is welcome 🙏. the resolutions of it are a bit challenging but the javascript code side of it is pretty straightforward since its just divisions but it took me a bit of time to add all the small tweaks and options to the app so people can use it more easely.



    hi dear that's very nice

    • if you want to remove the spinner inside input field use this snippet : input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { /* display: none; <- Crashes Chrome on hover / -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; / <-- Apparently some margin are still there even though it's hidden */ }

    input[type=number] { -moz-appearance:textfield; /* Firefox */ }

    Marked as helpful

  • @kein-1


    Couldn't figure out how to partially hide the images like shown



    hi dear , Your app look very nice but i have some remarks :

    • For icons in the background of cards i advice you to use "background-Image : url()" in the div like this : element { background-color: hsl(195, 74%, 62%); background-image: url(./images/icon-play.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 152px 3px; } in your style.css so you wont have to worry about z-index and overflow hidden dont hesitate to play around with background position value.

    • Dear you put to much of div dear !!!

    Marked as helpful
